Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Thought 33 - Run Away

Why do we run away? 

We run away because we are afraid. When we are afraid, our first reaction is to run away from that place or from that situation. Being afraid does not mean that we are coward. Our instinct tells us to run away because it is the best possible option we have that very moment. As long as our fear is bigger than us and our mind is clouded, it will be hard to face the situation at hand. When the right time comes and when our senses are back to normal, then that's the time we stop running and face the monster that's haunting us. Maybe that time, we are already composed (if not strong enough) to hold our ground and fight back.

We run away because we want to protect ourselves. If we value our life, the very first  thing we've got to do is to protect it. I don't see any reason why someone should not protect his own life and simply throw it away. Life is the most precious gift we've receive from our Creator and therefor, in any manner, we should shield it against any possible harm. And most of the time, our life is interconnected with our loved ones. If we truly value our life and our loved ones, the more we should protect it.

Running away from any harm and possible problems means that we are not capable of facing them. Running away does not necessarily mean we are coward or we are guilty.  We run away for the time being but not  for our entire lifetime. Running away is buying some time for us to gain a better perspective and understanding about the problems we encounter and eventually, weigh our best possible course of actions in dealing with them. 

So, run if you must and fight back with all your might.

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