Monday, August 8, 2011

Random Thought 30 - Moving On

When we experience problems, we can't avoid to worry about it. Worrying is just but a normal reaction regarding unfavorable circumstances in our lives. At times we worry too much about our problems especially if answers or solutions are elusive. Worrying could lead to anxiety, low self-esteem and at worst, depression.

It is okay to feel bad. It is okay to feel sad. It is okay to cry. It is okay to spend some time at your lowest moment. But it is never okay to forever confine yourself in a sorry state.

Eventually, you'll get tired of worrying.  You'll get tired of crying. You'll get tired of feeling low. You'll get tired of going around the circle of uncertainty.  Everything is just a matter of time.

And when the right time comes, there's no turning back. The only way is to move on. Moving on means choosing, loving, protecting, and preserving life. Just move on, let life take its course, and hold on to the faith in your heart.

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