Monday, August 15, 2011

Random Thought 31 - Composure

Maintaining your composure under pressure and personal attacks is indeed a hard thing to do.

Some people will deliberately push you to your limits for several reasons. They may test you just to satisfy their ego tripping. They may test you in order to shake your spirit, rattle your senses, and throw you off guard. They may test you in order to make you feel totally embarrassed and too little to exist. They will do everything to get rid of you.

Some people call themselves your superior but when you are experiencing some troubles, they act as superiors in ruining your name and reputation. They act as superiors not in neutral grounds but at the edge of the cliff and try to wrestle you towards the bottom of the cliff. They act as superiors like they hold the biblical truth and that they are ever pure and look down at you as though you are a pure evil before their very eyes.

These kind of people are blood thirsty and when they smell blood, they want to get their hands dirty and taste it. These kind of people are opportunists where the only things that matter are their own welfare and agenda. If they can sacrifice you for them to look good and to satisfy those who are after for your head, they can move all of hell and tear you to pieces.

But despite all those blood-thirsty hands and foul and sarcastic tongues, keeping your composure under intense pressure will do the trick. If they play foul and dirty, you don't have to jump in and join the bandwagon. If they don't act the way they should act, at least, show them that you still respect them in order for them to realize (even afterward) that they were too eager to squeeze your neck which make them look like idiots before each other.  And if you can slap them with your composure and presence of mind, the better.

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