Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Moment 30 - A Ray of Hope

Tonight, I am down. For reasons akin to the monstrous challenge that hovers above me. I find it hard to swallow that even a drop of water finds it hard to slid down in my throat. I am starving yet food is not in the list to curve my hunger. And my mind wanders into the unknown.

The trouble with a clouded mind and the darkness it brings is that no light whatsoever can make its way into my disturbed soul. Even with the lights on, I am engulfed in pitch black where monsters are charging their way to devour me. And I am falling helplessly.

Through the darkness, a kind soul appears and showed me a ray of hope. Out of the blue, with just a ray of hope, my whole being is suddenly lifted. Though darkness is still overwhelming, with just a ray of hope, it gives me enough courage to survive the night and I cling on to the promise it brings that things will eventually turn out right. I guess a ray of hope is all that matters for me to treasure and fight for this life.

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