Monday, June 10, 2013

Random Thought 126 - Bad Day

When we feel bad, our world suddenly becomes ugly.  Depending on the degree how bad our day is, nevertheless, it affects us and the people that we deal with.

There are some people who are very good in handling a bad day.  Though we interact with them almost everyday, they seem okay and it looks like life always smile at them.  They never show their struggles and they don’t give us a hint that they are burdened like us.

There are also some people who are very transparent on how they feel.  It shows in their faces.  One can easily read them like an open book.  These people are not afraid to show that they are experiencing a bad day.

We have our own ways in dealing with a bad day.  We know that we cannot be a hundred percent okay all the time.  The thing is, how do we carry ourselves in the event of a bad day.  We may or may not be showy about how bad we feel.  The important thing is, despite the severity on how bad our day is, we should at all times consider not hurting the people that surrounds us.

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