Sunday, March 11, 2012

Food Trip 60 - Fruitcake

There's a fruit cake for everybody, There's a fruit cake for everyone - goes a popular line in a song. Just like an LSS or last song syndrome, a mere thought of a fruit cake plays like an LSS in my memory and that I can actually taste it.

What I love about a fruitcake is the taste of wine or rum although I am not fond of alcoholic beverages. Aside from the taste of spirits, I also look forward for a heavy contents of candied or dried fruits and nuts in it. 

Since a fruitcake is not a common food during celebrations, it makes the celebration extra special. But I recently found out that some people don't appreciate it. Even if it is a mouth watering food for me, I simply cannot convince them to give it a try because the food is alien to them. Some tried to taste it but I guess they dislike the taste of spirits.

Anyway, whenever I happen to see one, I make it to a point to bring home even an average pack of it and indulge myself until I finally have my satisfaction. I hope this does not lead to gluttony. Hehe.

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