Friday, January 6, 2012

Poem 51 - You Are The Reason

You are the reason
Why I am still breathing
You are the reason
Why I am still living.

Each passing day
Is a day of celebration
Each and every moment
Is full of jubilation.

Having you in my life
Is the greatest moment ever
With you in my life
I'll forget you never.

You are the one
That gives me something concrete
You are the one
That makes my life complete.

The life that I cherish
Is a gift out of your love
This life that I treasure
Is the best thing I'll ever have.

With you in my life
I am always at my best
Having you in my life
Makes me stand out from the rest.

You are the only reason
Come whatever life's season
As long as I have you
It's just like having the world, too.

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