Saturday, January 7, 2012

Exploring Philippines 51 - Coron, Palawan (Post 7 - Maquinit Hot Spring)

It was already past 5 in the afternoon when we left Kayangan Lake and head straight to Maquinit Hot Spring. The trip to Maquinit Hot Spring took us 30 minutes. Since it was already late in the afternoon, the tides were a bit alarming especially if you are not used to sea travels. 

It was nearly 6 in the evening when we reached the hot spring. I thought that the hot spring was located in another island like the Kayangan lake but it was on the main island of Coron. Though the dark was slowly creeping, the place is well lighted and we enjoyed more than an hour of our stay here.

The temperature in the pool is not a controlled one for the water come directly from a natural spring. And you've got to take some time for your body to fully adjust to a hot temperature otherwise you'll end up complaining if your eggs become hard boiled in no time. Hehe. Just kidding. Anyway, by simply sitting in a corner and allowing the hot water to run over your body is very relaxing. 

Since it was already past 7 in the evening, we had to return to the lodge, eat our dinner, and retire early because tomorrow will be another fun-filled day to look forward to. Though we can ride the boat for a faster trip towards the lodge, we opted not to travel by sea because the waves were no longer calm. It is better safe than sorry.

We had our dinner at the garden of the lodge under the open sky. The setting of the garden was a bit romantic because of the lights. And if there could had been some jazz or soul music playing, it could add some more romance to the whole place. Anyway, a stemming bulalo and kalamares with vegetable and fruit salad completed our activity that day.

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