Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moment 54 - Into the Dragons Lair

Dragons, if ever they are true, can only be heard in stories, found in the pages of the books, and seen in films. We simply can't imagine if real dragons still exist within our time.

The other day, figuratively speaking, I entered a lair full of dragons. Actually, the very thought of getting near the lair is already a dreadful imagination on my end. What more if I step into it! And since the situation calls for it, even with the rapid beating of my heart, I entered into the dragons lair.

At first, my fear was so overwhelming and it looked like my fear will consume me first before any dragon in that lair can. Since I already made several steps inside the lair and nothing happened to me, I simply had to gather my brave act , face all my fears, and went straight to the less threatening dragon.

Once inside, I could feel each pair of watchful eyes that were constantly monitoring my every move. Though they were not hostile towards me, the tension was there. And I happened to encounter the dreaded leader of them all.

When I got a glimpsed of the kingly beast first, it was on its best form. The moment it saw me, I literally saw how its face transformed into its hideous form. And even if it tried to act civil, its foul breath was so disgusting and the look in his eyes shifted from its normal form into something horrible.

I felt the disturbing and unfriendly atmosphere inside the lair and I simply wanted to walk away.  But since my task was not yet over, I simply hold my ground and prepare myself in the event of a possible head-on encounter. I guess with the brave face I'd shown and showing them that I was not intimidated at all, no hostilities took place.

I came out from the dragons lair alive and unscratched. A while ago, my fear for them was extremely enormous. But when I faced them squarely, I sensed that they were caught by surprise and they were not on the attack mode.

I know I have to be watchful of my back at all times. Dragon monsters are in the guise always, waiting for that right opportunity to devour their helpless victims. I am glad that I can face them now and with no reservation at all, I can look directly into their eyes ready to give them a good fight. But then again, dragons are treacherous beasts that lurk in the dark waiting for their prey.

For now, I have to continue existing in their midst and remain cautious at all times. I know it will never be easy sharing the same place of existence with them but they don't have the absolute right to claim the place as their own. These dragons are too close for comfort and their lair is such an unfriendly and hostile territory. But since I was able to come out from it alive and whole, I guess they can't intimidate me that much any longer. Again, I'll have to learn how to deal with my cards properly and never fall in their dirty tactics again.

And my war with these dragons continue.

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