Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Moment 142 - Bayanihan

There are still numerous parts of the country where people of a particular community are generous enough to share their harvest to those who are willing to lend their hands.

I grew up in a community where the Filipino bayanihan spirit is still very much alive.  I've been a witness of numerous accounts where locals would come to the aid of the other person who is in dire need.  From lifting and transferring a house made of bamboo and wood, helping in preparing the food for a particular event, bringing the sick and the dying person through what we call foot ambulance, and helping to pull the fishing net out of the water for a bounty catch.  These are but just some of the bayanihan spirits  where several individuals gather together to lend themselves for free.

In a fishing village for example. People would oftentimes help to collectively pull a fishing net out of the water. The fishing net would normally require more hands and strength in order to pull it out of the water fast.  Given a good catch, the owner of the fishing net would normally share some portion of his bounty to those helping hands as a token for their help.  And during the season of plenty, the whole community would actually flock to the shoreline in order to help and oftentimes go home with some free and fresh catch for their family.  

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