Monday, July 29, 2013

Random Thought 133 - Dying

If given a chance, how would you like to die?

Dying is a natural course of life.  Those who have their time will soon die in order to give way for others to experience living.  And the cycle of life continues.

Even though we know that we will all die eventually, this is a taboo topic and is often not discussed openly and lengthy.  The idea of death is not a welcome conversation especially when we have a fun gathering and everyone is in high spirit.  And if death is ever mentioned, most of the time, it is not discussed as a serious topic but a joke in passing.  I guess, the topic of death brings discomfort to everyone including me.

There had been several instances where I entertained the thought of dying.  Some of these thoughts were ugly and some of them were just wishful thinking.  And at the end of the day, I wish for a silent death.

I would like to die in my sleep, free of all the pains and sufferings.  I would like to die in a way that I am just asleep and never wakes up from it, like I am still dreaming.  I would like to die sleeping like I stepped into some other world, leaving my earthly body behind. 

Death is an unchallenged reality that we will all soon experience.  In the face of death, all men are equal.  The only difference is the art of our dying and the way we prepare for it.

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