Monday, July 22, 2013

Random Thought 132 - To Meddle

There are some people, though they are close to us in a certain way, can’t just help themselves about getting too nosy about the choices we make and act as if they have all the rights to dictate us what to do with our lives.

When we associate ourselves with people, at times, it is part of our association that personal matters could be spilled over and heard.  Since we feel comfortable sharing our own personal matters and at the same time we trust our association, it is never hard for us to share even our best kept secrets.  Because we know that when we are ready to share some parts of our private lives, our so-called friends will always maintain a certain level of trust and confidence.

Sometimes, some of our friends have this idea of “getting” into our lives as if they have all the rights to meddle.  Though they might have some “good and ideal” concern about certain things in our lives, thinking all along that it is good for us, would push their concern and make us do it.  And with whatever they thought what is best for us, they would try to influence us and deliberately push us to do it.  This is the line where our so-called friends or associations should not dare cross.

The moment we become confidants of our friend, the very idea is for us to hear and listen to him.  For all we know, our friend only needs someone to air his grief or his woes.  For all we know, he only needs to release some ill-feelings and upon sharing it with us, it will already make him feel better. From time to time, we might inject our own unsolicited side and regardless if he listens to us or not, it is still he who has every right to decide for himself.

Some friends and some associations could not help themselves to meddle with our own decisions.  They act as if they have every right to do so and make us believed that it is the best thing for us.  Suddenly, they throw us into a situation where they want to control us “for our own sake.”  If this happens, clearly, they become pushovers than friends. 

If you think that you are offended by the act of your so-called friends or associations, telling them straightforward that you don’t appreciate their being pushover could be a thing.  Sometimes, we have to make them realize that a certain degree of respect should be maintained among friends and being a pushover is not part of it.  But if you have no guts to speak to them directly, then, staying away from them for a while could be the next best thing.  Most probably, by disassociating yourself from them, this would send a signal that something is not okay between you and them hoping that they will eventually realize their intrusive act.

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