Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Moment 105 - Airplane

I always have problem with heights.  Every activity where height is part of it, my nerves involuntarily shake.  All these years, I've been trying my best to overcome my fear of heights.  It is like pushing myself to the limits and at the back of my mind, there's always a hanging question "What if I'll never survive this challenge?"  Luckily, I am still alive up to this time.

My very first airplane ride was a bit scary.  Actually, it was just part of my thoughts.  Hehe.  When I finally gave in to the idea that I will take an airplane ride for a vacation, my fear was overwhelmingly disturbing.  So many unpleasant thoughts entered my mind.  Before the real thing, I was torturing myself to be scared.

Anyway, a friend brought me to a theme park.  I've been on that park before and I had already experienced some rides that I promised not to experience again.  He literally pushed me to experience a roller-coaster ride.  No matter how I convince him that I'd experienced this ride before and it really scared me, my pleadings were never heard.  He made me occupy the front seat and according to him, my fear of heights will be gone after the ride.  And my second roller-coaster ride was even scarier compared with my first.

The time finally came and my fear was still there.  I really run out of courage that time and if hadn't for the expensive fare, I could had backed out from that ride.  The secret of surviving my very first airplane ride?  I simply pretended to doze off as the plane took off.  

After the plane had landed, I told myself that it was really that not scary after all.  In fact, my roller-coaster ride was even scarier compared with my plane ride.

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