Sunday, January 20, 2013

Food Trip 105 - Bananacue

Bananacue is part of my growing up years.  When I was young, my mother used to sell bananacue.  I used to be her sidekick and before I entered grade one, I was already good in numbers and in denominations.  That time, it was just like a play for me but it proved to be a good training ground.

Anyway, I can still fondly recall that I used to partner a bananacue with rice.  From time to time, even with the presence of a meat dish, I would prefer a bananacue.  Some people would not believe me whenever I share this experience but I just love to do it time and again.  Actually, up to the present time, I still do it. Hehe.  Some find it odd but I can't help myself and I am never ashamed of this.  Well, if you give it a try, I will not mind.  Haha

Almost everyday, I dropped by at my favorite bananacue stands and I considered my day complete with a bananacue stick at hand.  Aside from the fact that it is sweet, it is also a good source of potassium.  Most athletes always consider including a banana as part of their diet.  I guess I'll just expound on this topic some time soon. But for the time being, I'll just enjoy first my take on this food.  Want to have bite?  Hehe

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