Monday, December 10, 2012

Random Thought 100 - Curiosity

They say that curiosity kills the cat.  But they also say that a cat has nine lives. 

When someone is curious, it shows that he is opening himself to certain possibilities.  Possibilities that may satisfy his thirst about certain things that catches his interest.  Curiosity may lead to self discovery and self fulfillment.  Curiosity may awaken someone's spirit.

Of course, being curious may lead us both ways.  If it is in our character to practice self-restraint, I guess when we are crossing a line that we don't approve, our curiosity stops.  Because the moment we are going to indulge ourselves in our new discovery where the norms despise or abhor it, our being curious may kill us in the process.

It's alright to be curious as long as we don't commit ourselves into something that we might regret later on.  If something is worth a try, we can always have a taste of it. But if we happened to know that the end result is not good, we can always take a couple of steps backwards and focus on other things.

Curiosity is a matter of choice and the choices we make define who we are.

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