Monday, May 14, 2012

Random Thought 70 - Give Thanks

Everyday is a perfect opportunity to give thanks.

What makes us count our blessings? What kind of blessings do we usually count?

All of us are blessed, one way or another. We might find comparing ourselves with others, with what we have, what we don't have, and what we aspire to have. And when some people achieve more, we usually comment that they are more blessed than us. 

Some people work hard to earn what they enjoy. What they cherish are the fruits of their dreams and hard work. Some even try to outdo themselves and offer great sacrifices in order to reach where they are now. Maybe, for some, lady luck smiles upon them.

It does not follow that the more you have, the more blessed you are. Blessings do come in different forms and when we are only focused on material things, we might fall short of what we have and forget to give thanks. 

Being able to get up from the bed and live a day is already a blessing. Being able to enjoy the food no matter how modest it is, is already a blessing. Being able to enjoy the company of your family, loved ones, and friends is already a blessing. Being able to share a moment or two with someone is already a blessing. Being able to share yourself to others and share some laughter is already a blessing. Being able to experience the passing of time and enjoying every second of it is already a blessing. This list is definitely endless and most probably, there are other beautiful things you are trying to add to this list and that is good. You are already starting to count your blessings.

There is no too little with a grateful heart. Give thanks and learn to appreciate every blessing you receive. Maybe one day, you'll see life as a blessing with so much to count and too little to want.

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