Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Thought 69 - Leaving

I truly hate the moment seeing someone leaving. I know that we can't hold the world in our hands nor keep the ones we love around us forever. Time will come that some things will come to an end and our loved ones leave.

I guess it becomes a problem when we are too emotionally attached to people whom we love and care. When we invest too much of our soft side to our loved ones, time will come that we'll find it hard to let them go. And once they are no longer around, the pain and the heartache is simply beyond words.

People need to grow and when they leave, maybe it is but just right to consider that it is for the better. People need to find their own place under the sun and our loved ones are no exception. Since we can't have them by our side most of the time, all we can do is wish them well and pray that they'll eventually succeed and remain happy. 

And I know that a relationship that has been nurtured, cared, and loved for an unknown span of time, no time or distance can ever make a forgetful heart. With the technology within our reach, we can always find time and ways to reach out to our loved ones.

My friends, wherever you may find your destiny, always remember that our bond does not end with one of us leaving. Though we might not see each other that often in the coming days, still, a part of us will always stay in our hearts. Godspeed and live a happy life.

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