Monday, December 5, 2011

Random Thought 47 - Euphemism

There is nothing wrong when you freely speak up your mind. What matter is your delivery and your choice of proper words.

We interact with different types of people everyday. We mingle and associate with our family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. During the course of our interaction, we share our thoughts, experiences, stories, views, jokes, and even our laughter. 

When we freely speak up our mind during the course of our interaction, I hope we don't listen to ourselves alone. Being cautious and sensitive towards others gives a strong signal that beneath our intellect, we practice some kind of self-restraint and courtesy. Being frank and direct is okay but it could lead us to certain troubles or worst, people will tend to avoid us.

The way we deliver ourselves and the way we deliver our thoughts makes a big difference. Ill-mannered and rude people only care for themselves alone. The moment they let their tongue do the talking, they think they are the only righteous person in the room. The moment they look at the other person as a lesser being, the more they go wild and they no longer hear their uncouth tongues.

It is sad to hear about such people especially when they become your boss. They expect you to be respectful to them at all times but they don't actually know the term "respect" when their rage becomes uncontrollable. And the worst of it all, as if they have the absolute freedom and power to insult and curse you from head to toe.

I am praying that one day, they will come across the word "euphemism." I hope one day, despite of their own celebrated victory, they will have a sense of "respect" when they address people as if they are addressing themselves in front of the mirror. I hope that with every word they utter will make other people respect them as a person and not as their boss inside their office only.

But such kind of people who only hear themselves are already engulfed in their own self-righteousness. It would take a miracle for them to actually listen to their own selves especially if they are enjoying a certain position in an organization. Their post becomes their cloak with whatever will gratify them. But, their immunity is not absolute. Time will come that they will have a dose of their own medicine.

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