Saturday, November 12, 2011

Exploring Philippines 43 - Siniloan, Laguna (Post 6 - Lanzones Falls)

From Buruwisan falls, give or take a 10-minute walk, we reached the Lanzones falls. Lanzones falls is hidden at the other side of the mountain and somewhat parallel to the cliff of Buruwisan falls. The water coming from these two falls meet in an area the moment you set foot after landing to the river. Buruwisan falls is partially visible when you are already cruising the river while Lanzones falls lies hidden on the other side. If one is not familiar with this place, he may consider that the water coming from the other side of the river is just another ordinary river.

While Buruwisan falls offers a certain awe to the visitors, Lanzones falls on the other hand has a modest beauty of its own. Though it is not as high as the other one, since it is situated in a secluded area, it gives a certain form of privacy. And if visitors are brave enough to plunge into its waters, it is just like having a private pool of their own.

And just like Buruwisan falls, Lanzones falls is a bit quiet with its falling waters. No deafening sound of falling water can be heard from a distance. Though we came here during the summer season, come rainy season, I can't really tell if the rushing waters are as gentle as they were during our visit.

It was a fun, relaxing, awesome, rewarding but tiresome adventure. I thought we could cover the whole place but we were only able to visit the two falls. There are still more of them within the area. But since we were not prepared for an overnight trip, we decided to find our way home and promised to return next time around.

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