Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Moment 151 - Army Dragonfly

Army dragonfly - we fondly call this species of dragonfly this kind of name.  May be because of its camouflage appearance.

During my younger years, along with the other kids, we used to chase dragonflies.  That was the time when there were still plenty of vacant lots within our place where trees, shrubs, and weeds grow.  There were so many dragonflies way back then - with different colors and sizes.  But for the past several years, I noticed that kids are no longer interested in chasing dragonflies.  May be because we seldom see them anymore in our place.  Or perhaps the games kids want play keep up with the modern times.

Anyway, as I was taking this picture, I really took my sweet time.  As the giant dragonfly was resting, my camera was almost a couple of inches away from it.  It seemed staring at my camera as I continuously took the picture.  Once, as if threatened, it flew.  But after a couple of seconds, it returned to the same twig and allowed me to take as much pictures to my heart's content.

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