One time, I really craved for kadios. Kadios is a bean that is commonly available in the Visayan region. It is similar to red beans, black beans, and monggo. The soup becomes black in color once kadios is cooked.
One favorite dish that includes kadios is langka and pork. Since langka is readily available almost the whole year around, people in our locality would always prepare this langka with kadios and pork.
Every time I am in the province, I am always on the lookout for fresh fishes. That time, I substituted pork with yellow fin tuna. The preparation of the dish was simple. After the kadios beans became tender, I added slices of tomatoes and onions. After which I added slices of langka meat. Once the langka meat became tender also, I then added some seasoning and the slices of yellow fin tuna. Once the fish meat was cooked, it was done already.
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