Some relationships may end in a blink of an eye while some may take some time before it bids goodbye. Some are brave enough to say their goodbyes while others simply pack their stuff and ran away. Some wounded hearts could easily move on while others dwell in their misery especially if closure has been denied from them.
I happened to know someone who has been struggling for some time because the person that he loved the most simply shut down her world from him. I know for a fact how he poured all his heart and love to this person but we cannot compel others to love us in return the way we love them. At first, it was like heaven in all its glory because my friend was very ecstatic about the love he'd been waiting for all this time. But after some time, their personal differences came into the picture and she responded no more to him. I could feel the agony and pain of my friend as he tried all his best to reach out to that person. I tried telling him that their relationship is already over because the signs were already there. But he refused to believe me because he is begging for a closure.
When we fall in love and give our all, chances are, we will feel the worst kind of pain than we've ever known the moment that relationship will end. Although there is no secret formula how a relationship should prosper but there are relationships that will never prosper. Though we tried our very best to safeguard that relationship because we feel that it makes us complete. But how will it ever be a complete one when your partner runs away and hide from you when some differences come into the picture.
I keep on playing as a devil's advocate for my friend in order for him to realize that theirs was already over. But the way he reasons made me realize that he is still in the denial stage, hoping that circumstances will still favor his way. I withheld my piece because "I've been there; done that." but it will simply fall in deaf ears. I guess the best way for him to realize is for him to learn his own lesson. Whether he likes it not, he will be the one to declare his own closure when his mind can already think objectively and free of ripples. But for now, he has to bear with the pain which will eventually make him stronger later on. That is, if he ever survives it.
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