When your attention is called by your superior and though how hard she tried to be nice to you about your impending status in the office, it is not hard to sense that lies cannot become truths you wanted to hear. Though it is a given fact that hers could be a limited privilege to orient you with some sensitive mattes, still, covering up for something will only make things worse. How difficult it is to say the truth if the intention is purely good?
When you are denied by your rights and the truth to the matter, what will you do? Will you just blindly accept what your bosses are laying down before you until such time you'll be out of their sight permanently? Will you act based on their pretentious mercy and never question their wisdom and actions? Will you just accept losing your work and abandon your post which you rightfully earned because your bosses wanted you to leave without proper justifications?
I guess there are some fights where we can turn our backs and simply walk away. That even in doing so, our self-esteem is still intact. And there are some fights where we need to stand our ground and fight back. Though, most of the time, some fights are colossal where only the determined can bravely fight back no matter what the odds are. At times, it is not about simply winning but making yourself heard. If you think that your rights and dignity is being trampled, you always have the opportunity to make them realize that their power is not absolute and fighting back is your only recourse.
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