Sometimes, we become too complacent when things favor our way. When things are mostly in order, though how simple our life is, we regard already that one as almost complete and perfect. It is during these times that life becomes rewarding, with only some small things to worry about.
But just like the turn of events, like the most anticipated new year celebration which is about to happen the following day, some things are really coming with a BIG bang. Good if the big bang is for the better. But if it is the worst thing to happen to you, most especially during the new year, you'll feel life sucks. And the frenzy of wandering restless thoughts and hopelessness could flood your whole year round.
I guess, one time or the other, we were rejoicing because life becomes an ideal one for us. Little did we know that the happiness we are experiencing will soon be shattered with a big bang. A bang so devastating that if we happened to have a less appreciation of life, the very minute we experience the pain, it feels like there's no use in living this life anymore.
Just like what some people used to say, "Live and cherish life like it is your last for you never know what will happen tomorrow."